Many doctors dictate in a conversational, stream-of-consciousness style. This habit can result in frequent contradictions and statements which make no sense. Poor sentence structure and improper punctuation can cause further confusion.Each one of these statements was dictated by a licensed physician. Diagnose what is wrong with the dictating doctor's statement and write your own version of what the physician failed to communicate.
"The patient is now producing a stool specimen here for analysis but most likely this is viral."Diagnosis:____________________________________
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"The patient is a 90-year-old whitefemale who states that she was bending over today, putting in a drawer, when she felt her hip pop out."
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"The patient came to the EmergencyRoom with a history of vague abdominal discomfort, or chest pain, or neither,or both, lasting for the last several days or not."
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"The patient radiated to the right."
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"Significant for high cholesterol which is controlled by medication and vasectomy."
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"The patient was advised to not lift any heavy weight such as a box of French fries."
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"His elevated LDL is here to be discussed."
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"Her mother died last May after sixty years of smoking camels."
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"A baby was born in the toilet of the Emergency Department."
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"The patient had 10-12 diarrhea stools with no flushing."
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"Cardiovascular system: There was no murmur noted during hospitalization and perforation was good throughout."
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"The patient had some things in her nose and her mother and her sister do, too."
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"The patient passed out at work and was found on the floor by his desk."
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"The patient was recovered on the ward when she was fully awake, approximately 30 minutes after she woke up."
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"Rectal examination was not done because they could not find any lubricant on the floor."
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"She complains of no history of injury today or tomorrow, but she maybe sprained her left ankle about a week ago, and is now limping."
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"She has no new acute complaints except that she feels somewhat more nauseated than old."
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"The patient was taken to the recovery room in good disposition."
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"Diagnosis: Questionable history of uterus and cervix."
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"Emergency Room Course: The patient was given Maalox 30 cc p.o. with 98% pulse oxygenation on rectal exam."
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"Because of some hypocalcemia requiring intravenous supplementation transitorially, she was in the hospital the sixth postoperative day when she was discharged on oral calcium supplements with diet and activity as tolerated."
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"Definitely, laparoscopy would be really the only thing that could really help us to really look at this area."
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"He had a pacemaker placed in the East Bay for unclear reasons sometime in the last few years."
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"So even though her lactate extraction is normal and therefore she doesn't have ischemia, she certainly looks like an ischemic response to morphine and her ST segments would scare the most brave of cardiologists when these changes occur."
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"This patient is very fart and smunny."
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