Sunday, September 16, 2007

Recommended Viewing

My Fair Lady (1964). George Cukor directs Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison, Stanley Holloway and Theodore Bikel in the screen adaptation of one of Broadway's greatest musicals. Based on George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, this film shows how a professor of phonetics can pass a Cockney flower girl off as a Duchess by teaching her how to speak her own language properly.

Rocket Science (2007) A teenager who suffers from a terrible stuttering handicap decides to join his high school's debate team.

Sneakers (1992) Robert Redford, Sidney Poitier, Dan Akroyd, Ben Kingsley,River Phoenix, James Earl Jones. A well-written tale of computer espionage in which reformed hackers test corporate security systems.

WarGames (1983). Matthew Broderick stars as a teenage computer hacker who manages to crack the access code and password necessary to gain entry to a Department of Defense computer. Things get pretty tense after he challenges the computer to a game of "Global Thermonuclear Warfare."

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