Monday, September 10, 2007

Sex or Sexual Orientation

Sexual politics are playing an increasingly strong role inhow patients relate to their physicians. Why? Because sexuality becomes an extremely important issue when a patient needs to be fully disclosed to a primary care physician.
  • A woman who desires an abortion is going to have a lot of trouble dealing with a conservative male physician who is a "right-to-lifer."

  • A gay man who needs to be fully disclosed about his lifestyle cannot beassured of proper treatment from a homophobic physician.

With more and more women and homosexuals becoming doctors, the medical marketplace is adjusting to new pressures of supply and demand.
  • Many women are now expressing a desire for female physicians.

  • Many gay men and lesbians insist on choosing physicians who are either out of the closet or, at the very least, gay friendly in their politics and social awareness.

And then there are comic singer/songwriters like Stephen Lynch, who has a particularly perverse perspective on the practice of medicine. Here's a clip of "Dr. Stephen" performing before an enthusiastic crowd in Stockholm:

Next: Clinical Specialization

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